N.I.A. dance class
1 hour
Degree of Sweat: Mild
"Originally, Nia stood for Non-Impact Aerobics. The letters ‘NIA’ have come to stand for Neuromuscular Integrative Action, in other words, the interaction between our bodies and our minds."
Whatever NIA stands for I found it incredibly boring none the less. I like the idea of dancing as a way to put my body in motion but this particular class felt so forced. My body was not being inspired by the generic brand dance music. I found my mind drifting off as I reluctantly did another jazz step, kick and turn. I thought that as long as I was doing 20 minutes of some sort of movement that I would feel accomplished. Today I just felt bored, uninspired and I actually left the class with 15 minutes to go! Now, I'm not writing NIA off completely. The instructor was great and I can see how some people could really get in to this .... but for a girl who is accustomed to a 4 hour psychedelic aerobics Phishdance party, NIA put me to sleep.
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