The name Sarasweaty was inspired by the Hindu Goddess Saraswati. Saraswati is the Goddess of leaming, knowledge, music and the creative arts. The Sanskrit word sara means "essence" and swa means "self." Thus Saraswati means "the essence of the self."
For most of my adult life I have been searching for the essence of myself and in this search I, like Saraswati, have been a participant of learning and the arts. This path has lead me to my present career as a visual arts teacher. In my quest for knowledge and creative expression I learned about the mind and the spirit, but have many times neglected the BODY. I have choosen the name Sarasweaty to represent my focus on the body. This blog is dedicated to the transformation of my body image as I make an effort to honor it everyday through movement.
My goal is to put my body in to motion everyday for 20 minutes or longer. This could be in the form of walking, yoga, dancing, lifting weights, or even running! The only requirement is that the movement must be conscious. Simply walking from my classroom to the front office will not suffice as conscious movement. The motion needs to be a focus on my body and not just a mode of transportation.
I will start at DAY 1 and record my movement for that day and every consecutive day to follow. If there is ever a day I do not meet my 20 minutes of movement then I will start over. This is a journey of self discovery, which I hope will lead me to a sense of peace with my mind, BODY, and spirit. For now, it's time to sweat!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 7 .... I'm not sure this really counts.

I went out Friday night in to Saturday morning. Yes, I was dancing my ass off at 1:00 am on Saturday but I am not sure this really counts as my conscious, sweaty movement. Maybe I should make a disclaimer that the movement can not be alcohol induced.

So I'll be starting over at Day 1 because the rest of Saturday I spent recovering from the early morning dance party. It's OK though. I feel no disappointment.

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